6 DIY Tips For the Average Joe

Many people often believe that DIY projects can only be performed by those that are crafty, creative, experienced, blah, blah, blah. While those "credentials" help an avid DIY-er like myself, they are DEFINITELY NOT needed. The one thing ALL of us DIY-er's have in common is that we all had to start somewhere. Not all of us had "experience" going into their first project and some of us may not even have been that creative but we all had to start somewhere! Here are some tips for all you out there that consider yourself to be the "average joe" of crafts and projects and how you too can become a DIY master!

1. Pick up a dang paint brush and don't be afraid to use it. Anybody, and I mean anybody, can learn how to paint. Whether that be a wall or a table, desk, chair, whatever...don't be afraid to try it out and see what it feels like. Paint is incredibly forgiving! You can brush it on, spray it on, roll it on, heck you can glob it on and still be able to "save" your masterpiece from failure.

2. Face your fears and go to a hardware store! I remember the first time I went to Menards (to save big money of course) by myself and thinking I looked like the biggest LOSER in the whole store! I didn't "fit in" with my WHOLE jeans and clean t-shirt and felt like everybody could see straight through to my inexperience. And even though the paint guy looked at me a little sideways when I told them I had no idea the difference between eggshell and satin finishes they answered any and all my questions with the greatest of ease!

3. Let Goodwill become your best friend. I'm telling you people...these stores are given some of the nicest furniture with some of the greatest potential. Visit your local Goodwill store and scout out what kind of treasures they've got. These are the best projects to begin on because you aren't spending a fortune to redo a piece of furniture. PLUS it'll be a unique piece that only YOU own!

4. Force yourself to use power tools. The more power tools I learn how to use, the more EMPOWERED I feel (cliche? maybe. but true nonetheless). I started doing this when my husband couldn't always hang, screw or cut every thing I asked him to, right when I asked him to. And I got tired of waiting around for him to do it. So what did I do....figured it out myself (I may have YouTubed a couple things here and there along the way though). I'm not saying I didn't make mistakes (I have many holes in our walls to prove it) BUT I did learn some valuable lessons...like I'm much more capable than I ever thought possible.

5. Find fun and EASY DIY tutorials on Pinterest (because let's be honest...you've pinned them). But actually do them! I have a fun DIY tutorial that I did in the spring about making your own green wreaths (check that out here). Or simply spray painting something is a great way to start! Seriously! I absolutely LOVE using spray paint to transform an old wine bottle into a piece of decor that now sits on my mantle. It's that simple and you'll feel more DIY-ish than ever before. 

6. Don't be afraid to mess up. This is honestly the biggest piece of advice I can give. You are probably going to mess up along the way but that's okay. I can't even tell you how many times we messed up when re-doing our kitchen (I'll have to write a blog post on it someday) but we didn't give up and we made it our own even more so that way. You will have more triumphs than failures I promise! Just go for it and don't back down!

Tessa Kirby
I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a blogger. And I am a lover of all things made new. I focus on taking something old and bringing it to life again, with an additional emphasis in typography. I believe that words have a way of changing the atmosphere.

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