Kin•Ship Mentoring Program

For a long time I have been thinking about doing some sort of coaching program but every time I think too long about it I feel deep down that “coaching” isn’t something that I’m really aiming to accomplish because 1.) I feel like there are soooo many “coaches” out there that the market is just too saturated. And 2.) whenever people think coaching, they think $$$. Which I don’t want to be about either. 

Coaching is an investment and I’m not looking to take people on a 10 week journey towards their goal. What I’m really longing to do is be a sounding board for those that are feeling stuck in their design endeavors, or wanting realistic feedback on how to set up pricing for their services, or share candidly about our experience flipping houses. I’m looking to help people one-on-one, in the here and now. 

For as long as I can remember, it’s always been such a passion of mine to help others succeed, to help them see their potential, call out the gold in their life and give them practical resources and tools to get them to where they want to be. I have spent nearly a decade studying and researching marketing strategies, photography skills, networking platforms, launching businesses and blogging websites, and while I don’t consider myself to be an “expert” in all those things, I know that I have practical, real life experience that can help to guide you in the direction of your dreams. 

So let’s chat, let’s get to know each other! There isn’t any long term commitment, and no homework to complete; this is simply just me and you chatting about real life things; things that you need a second opinion on, guidance on, or insight into. During this open ended hour long conversation, you have free rein on what we talk about, and the direction of our topics. And I will be an open book, answering anything you want to discuss. 

Check out my most recent talk with Alli Getting of @alligettinginteriors and see first hand how she experienced our time together. 

I met with Tessa to discuss the ins and outs of her design business with the hope of gaining a clearer understanding of how to set up mine. Not only did I gain just that, I feel like I gained a new friend and cheerleader too. Tessa was so easy to chat with and shared her knowledge, experience, and processes comprehensively and authentically. She was willing to answer all my questions with full transparency. I appreciated this so much as the world of interior design is often hush-hush. If you are looking to better understand the business side of the interior design industry, I would highly suggest booking with Tessa. I look forward to chatting with her again in the future! -Alli Getting

Get to know Alli!

Find her on Instagram HERE or on her website HERE!

If you have any questions about this mentorship program feel free to email us at Or schedule your one-on-one call right now by clicking the button below!

Tessa Kirby
I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a blogger. And I am a lover of all things made new. I focus on taking something old and bringing it to life again, with an additional emphasis in typography. I believe that words have a way of changing the atmosphere.

2022 | What’s To Come…


How We Got Started Flipping Houses