Pennsylvania Paint Color & How I Decide Which Color Is Right

Pennsylvania Paint Color & How I Decided Which Color Is Right

Oh the Pennsylvania Ave Project…this project continues despite setback after setback but we are so close to the finish line and seeing all the major design choices finally get installed is like watching a dream unfold right in front of me.

This home has been one of the most challenging, both design wise and constructionally. And while we thought we knew the direction we wanted to go with the exterior for the last year we’ve taken a sudden left turn!

We were originally planning to paint the brick white and the wood trim a slate blue. But for multiple reasons, one being our total cost into the project so far, and the other being, the overall aesthetic of the neighborhood, we ultimately decided to go in a different direction. To be honest, I’m more excited about this design choice more than the original one! The picture below is our inspiration picture!

Pennsylvania Paint Color & How I Decided Which Color Is Right

When picking paint colors based on an inspiration picture there are 3 things I do when deciding on the right color:

1. I screenshot my inspiration picture (like the one above), and take it in with me to my local paint store. There, I pick 3 paint colors that I think most closely resemble the paint color in the picture and have samples created for each of those colors.

2. Once at the property, I find two areas, one that is in the shade and one that is located in direct sun light. I paint 3 equal size swatches in both of those locations and label each swatch.

3. I then allow time for the paint to dry and stand far back enough from the swatches to see the distinct differences between each color. I like to continue to change my distance closer and farther away from the swatches both in the shady area and direct light.

While all these things may take you a little more time and effort than just picking a color at random and hoping it looks good when it goes up. I promise you, doing all these things will really give you the confidence that you are picking the color that is right for your home! And it isn’t a decision you should take lightly! Take it from the person who picked the “wrong” exterior paint color, bought 20 gallons of it and realized (after the fact) that it wasn’t the right color! EEK…you don’t want that pricy mistake on your shoulders!

Tessa Kirby
I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a blogger. And I am a lover of all things made new. I focus on taking something old and bringing it to life again, with an additional emphasis in typography. I believe that words have a way of changing the atmosphere.

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